The Kiss (1907-08) by Gustav Klimt

The Kiss - Gustav Klimt - 1907 - 1908

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Artwork Information

TitleThe Kiss
ArtistGustav Klimt
Date1907 - 1908
MediumOil on Canvas
Dimensions180 x 180 cm
Art MovementArt Nouveau
Current LocationBelvedere, Vienna, Austria
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About The Kiss

Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss is a masterpiece of early modern art from his “Golden Period”. This iconic painting depicts a couple in sensual embrace, with the man wearing a robe and crown of vines, and the woman dressed in colorful attire with flowers adorning her hair. Klimt used his signature style of geometric patterns and gold leaf to represent the Art Nouveau movement.

The Kiss was commissioned by a count who provided Klimt with a medallion bearing an image of his beloved. However, during the painting process, Klimt became enamored with the woman and fell in love. This adds an interesting layer to the painting’s history and emotional power.

This famous artwork remains one of Klimt’s most renowned pieces. It is often reproduced as an example of Jugendstil-Viennese Art Nouveau paintings, showcasing how this era integrated grandiose themes into everyday life through consummate craftsmanship.

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