The Agony in the Garden (c. 1450) by Andrea Mantegna

The Agony in the Garden - Andrea Mantegna - c.1458 - c.1460

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Artwork Information

TitleThe Agony in the Garden
ArtistAndrea Mantegna
Datec.1458 - c.1460
Dimensions63 x 80 cm
Art MovementEarly Renaissance
Current LocationNational Gallery, London
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About The Agony in the Garden

The Agony In The Garden is a painting that was completed by Andrea Mantegna between 1458 and 1460. It is based on the Biblical episode of Christ’s prayer in Gethsemane. This painting has a complex history as Mantegna made an earlier version of the painting in 1455 and then went on to create the National panels of the polyptych from 1456 to 1459. Andrea Mantegna was the most important painter of the fifteenth-century Italy who began his career with fresco paintings for churches. Later, he became a court painter for Gonzaga rulers of Mantua and created his first ‘Camera Pictorum which contains ten rooms full of pictures by various artists including Titian, Raphael, Correggio, Parmigianino, and Holbein.

The Agony In The Garden by Andrea Mantegna is just one example of his celebrated artwork that portrayed its historical story in such great detail and accuracy so as to make it timelessly relevant. Apart from this painting, another masterpiece done by him was Sacra Conversazione (Madonna Della Vittoria) which dates back to 1496. It depicted a conversation between God, Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene’s brother Mary Jacobea and an apostle which was made for inspiring adoration for the believers of faith.

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