
Adoración de la estatua de oro y los tres jóvenes en el horno (c.975) by Ende

The artwork titled “Adoración de la estatua de oro y los tres jóvenes en el horno,” created by the artist known as Ende around the year 975, represents a remarkable example of the Mozarabic art movement. This miniature belongs to the “Gerona Beatus” series and vividly illustrates a biblical scene featuring the adoration of a …

Adoración de la estatua de oro y los tres jóvenes en el horno (c.975) by Ende Read More »

Allegorical conclusion of the Christological cycle. The bird and the snake (c.975) by Ende

The artwork, “Allegorical Conclusion of the Christological Cycle: The Bird and the Snake,” created by the artist Ende around the year 975, belongs to the Mozarabic art movement and falls under the genre of miniature. This piece is part of the series “Gerona Beatus, 975.” The artwork showcases a vividly colored bird with elaborate plumage …

Allegorical conclusion of the Christological cycle. The bird and the snake (c.975) by Ende Read More »

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