Fra Angelico Biography and Artwork

Fra Angelico, born Guido di Pietro in Vicchio around 1400, was a prominent Italian painter and artist. He combined the religious style of the Middle Ages with the Renaissance’s concern for representing mass, space, and classical literature. Fra Angelico is renowned for his exceptional talent in painting and was considered a master of perspective. Giorgio Vasari acknowledged him as one of the greatest painters of all time in The Lives of the Artists.

After entering a Dominican convent in Fiesole in 1418, Fra Angelico began his career as an illuminator of missals and other religious books. He embodies an intellectual culture that emphasized logical thought ideals introducing personal liberty during early Renaissance style development under Florentine patronage. His work conveyed a blend between Christian doctrine and classical literature. With this blending comes his legacy’s spiritual aspect, inspiring some to believe it was touched by angels.

Fra Angelico produced many remarkable works during his lifetime, including Virgin and Child raised high over saints on either side being one such example of his most compelling works. It details complex elements seen throughout renaissance art such as precise rendering perspective techniques like atmospheric perspective conveying depth.

In February 1455 at the Dominican convent San Marco Rome where he lived decorated with frescoes still admired today amongst others he created throughout Florence for illustrious personalities like Cosimo de Medici passes away ending greatly respected life and ongoing artistic influence felt even now centuries later by many artists worldwide.

All Fra Angelico Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
The Mocking of Christ 1440 - 1441 fresco,wall
Crucified Christ with Saint John the Evangelist 1441 - 1442
The Apostle St. James the Great Freeing the Magician Hermogenes 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
Thebaid c.1410
The Burial of the Virgin and the Reception of Her Soul in Heaven 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
The Coronation of the Virgin 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
The Coronation of the Virgin 1440 - 1441 fresco,wall
The Healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
The Healing of Palladia by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
The Martyrdom of St. Mark c.1433 panel,tempera
The Meeting of Sts. Dominic and Francis of Assisi 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
Communion of the Apostles 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Compagnia di San Francesco Altarpiece c.1429 panel,tempera
Condemnation of St. Lawrence by the Emperor Valerian 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Coronation of the Virgin (detail) 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
Cortona Polyptych c.1437 panel,tempera
Crucified Christ 1433 - 1434 fresco,wall
Crucified Christ with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist and Cardinal Juan de Torquemada 1440 - 1442 panel,tempera
Crucifixion c.1420 panel,tempera
Crucifixion and Saints 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with Mourners and Sts. Dominic and Thomas Aquinas 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with St. Dominic c.1442 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with St. Dominic 1440 - 1445 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with St. Dominic Flagellating Himself c.1442 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with the Virgin and Sts. Cosmas, John the Evangelist and Peter Martyr 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Crucifixion with the Virgin, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdelene 1419 - 1420 panel,tempera
Crucifixion with the Virgin, Mary Magdalene and St. Dominic 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
The Naming of St. John the Baptist 1434 - 1435 panel,tempera
The ordination of St. Lawrence 1447 - 1449
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
The Sermon of St. Stephen 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
The stoning of Stephen 1447 - 1449
The Story of St. Nicholas 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas. Birth of St. Nicholas 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas: Giving Dowry to Three Poor Girls 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas: St. Nicholas saves the ship 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Death of the Virgin 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Deposition from the Cross 1437 - 1440 panel,tempera
Dispute before Sanhedrin 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Dormition of the Virgin 1431 - 1432 panel,tempera
Entombment 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Flight into Egypt 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Glorification of Saint Dominic c.1424 - c.1425
Institution of the Eucharist 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Institution of the Eucharist 1445 - 1446 pen,paper
King David Playin a Psaltery c.1430 pen,ink,vellum
The Story of St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas saves the ship (detail) 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas: The Death of the Saint 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Story of St. Nicholas: The Liberation of Three Innocents 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
The Trial by Fire of St. Francis before the Sultan c.1429 panel,tempera
The Virgin Consigns the Habit to St. Dominic 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
The Virgin of Humility 1445 panel,tempera
View of east wall of the chapel 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
View of the chapel vaulting 1447
View of the chapel vaulting 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Virgin and Child c.1435
Lamentation over Christ 1436 - 1441 panel,tempera
Lamentation over Christ 1440 - 1442 fresco,wall
Lamentation over St. Francis c.1429
Last Judgment c.1431 panel,tempera
Last Judgment c.1450
Linaioli Tabernacle c.1433 panel,tempera
Linaioli Tabernacle c.1433 panel,tempera
Madonna and Child c.1433
Madonna and Child 1450 - 1455 panel,tempera
Madonna and Child 1435 fresco,wall
Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Twelve Angels c.1430 panel,tempera
Virgin and Child with Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Alexandria c.1435 panel,tempera
Virgin and Child with Sts. Dominic and Thomas Aquinas c.1445 fresco,wall
Virgin Mary Annunciate 1431 - 1433 panel,tempera
Visitation 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Madonna and Child of the Grapes c.1425 panel,tempera
Madonna of Humility c.1418 panel,tempera
Madonna of Humility c.1419 panel,tempera
Madonna of Mercy with Kneeling Friars c.1424 parchment,tempera
Madonna of the Star c.1424 panel,tempera
Madonna with the Child and Angels 1435 - 1436 panel,tempera
Marriage of the Virgin 1431 - 1432 panel,tempera
Marriage of the Virgin 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Massacre of the Innocents 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Meeting of St. Francis and St. Dominic c.1429 panel,tempera
Mystic Wheel (The Vision of Ezekiel) 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Nailing of Christ to the Cross 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
The Last Judgement. Detail: The Blessed c.1431 wood,tempera
Paintings for the Armadio degli Argenti 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Penitent St. Jerome c.1424 panel,tempera
Perugia Altarpiece 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Perugia Altarpiece 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Perugia Altarpiece (central panel) 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Perugia Altarpiece (left panel) 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Perugia Altarpiece (right panel) 1447 - 1448 panel,tempera
Predella of the San Domenico Altarpiece 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple 1440 - 1442 fresco,wall
Prophets 1447 fresco,wall
Prophets (detail) 1447 fresco,wall
Receiving the Stigmata c.1429 panel,tempera
Reliquary Tabernacle c.1430 panel,tempera
Resurrection of Christ and Women at the Tomb 1440 - 1442 fresco,wall
Sacred Conversation 1443 fresco,wall
Saint Anthony the Abbot Tempted by a Lump of Gold 1436 panel,tempera
A Bishop Saint c.1425 panel,tempera
Adoration and Annunciation c.1424
Adoration of the Magi c.1445
Adoration of the Magi c.1433 panel,tempera
Adoration of the Magi 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
Adoration of the Magi 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian before Lisius 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Condamned 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Crucifixed and Stoned 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian Salvaged 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Saint Dominic Adoring the Crucifixion 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Saint Lawrence Receiving the Treasures of the Church from Pope Sixtus II 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
San Domenico Altarpiece 1424 - 1430 panel,tempera
Scenes from the Life of Christ 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Scenes from the Life of Christ 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Scenes from the Lives of Sts. Lawrence and Stephen 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Adoration of the Magi 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Annalena Altarpiece c.1435
Annunciation 1425 - 1428; Fiesole, Italy tempera,gold leaf,panel
Annunciation 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Annunciation 1440 - 1442 fresco,wall
Annunciation 1442 - 1443 fresco,wall
Annunciation 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
Annunciation and Adoration of the Magi c.1424 panel,tempera
Annunciation (detail)
Apparition of St. Francis at Arles 1429
Sepulchring of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St. Bernard of Clairvaux 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St. Jerome 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St. Lawrence on Trial 1447 - 1450 fresco,wall
St. Mark 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
St. Matthew 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
St. Michael 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
St. Nicholas of Bari 1423 - 1424 panel,tempera
St. Peter Consacrates Stephen as Deacon 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
St. Peter Consacrates St. Lawrence as Deacon 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
Archangel Gabriel Annunciate 1431 - 1433 paper,tempera
Beheading of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian 1438 - 1440 paper,tempera
Birth of the Virgin 1433 - 1434 panel,tempera
Bosco ai Frati Altarpiece c.1450 paper,tempera
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven 1428 - 1430
Christ in Limbo 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
Christ the Judge 1447 fresco,wall
Christ the Judge 1447 fresco,wall
Christ the Judge (detali) 1447
Circumcision 1451 - 1452 panel,tempera
St. Peter Martyr 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St. Peter Martyr 1441 - 1442 fresco,wall
St. Peter Martyr Altarpiece 1427 - 1428 panel,tempera
St. Peter Preaching in the Presence of St. Mark c.1433 panel,tempera
St. Roche 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St. Romuald 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
St Romuald (detail of Crucifixion)
St. Stephen Being Led to his Martyrdom 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
St. Stephen Distributing Alms 1447 - 1449 fresco,wall
St. Thomas Aquinas 1438 - 1440 panel,tempera
Saint Lawrence Receiving The Treasures Of The Church From Pope Sixtus Ii c. 1450s Fresco
The Ordination Of Saint Lawrence c. 1450s Fresco
Annunciation c.1435 Fresco
Coronation of the Virgin 1434 - 1435 Tempera on Panel
Nativity 1440 - 1441 Fresco on Wall
Chapel of San Brizio 1447 Fresco
Coronation of the Virgin Altarpiece from San Domenico 1434 - 1435 Tempera on Panel
Crucified Christ with Saint John the Evangelist, the Virgin, and Saints Dominic and Jerome 1439-1443 Fresco
Lamentation 1439-1443 Fresco
Saint Anthony the Abbott Tempted by a Lump of Gold c. 1430 Tempera on panel
San Marco Altarpiece 1438-40 Tempera and gold on panel
Stoning of Saint Stephen 1449 Fresco
Christ Resurrected and the Maries at the Tomb 1439-1443 Fresco
Mocking of Christ with the Virgin and Saint Dominic 1439-1443 Fresco
Presentation in the Temple (left) 1425-30 Fresco
Saint Lawrence Giving Alms 1449 Fresco on Wall
The Annunciation and the Adoration of the Magi c. 1420 Tempera and gold on panel
Noli Me Tangere 1440 - 1442 Fresco on Wall
Transfiguration 1440 - 1442 Fresco on Wall
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