Fred Bugs is an Italian painter and illustrator primarily known for joining and following the neo-expressionist movement of post-Pop art. He was born Federico Cabras, in Bosa, Italy on September 29, 1997.
Early Life
Fred Bugs became fascinated with abstract art in the early 2000’s, during his time in middle school in Bosa, Italy. He delighting in covering the covers and pages of his school notebooks with abstract shapes correlated to geometric projections art.
Several years later, upon reaching the age of majority, Fred continued his work as a self-taught artist, refining his technique to make each of his artistic works distinct and uncommon. He began to use bright colors, mainly red, to fill in, and black to outline and delineate, the shapes of each of his artistic works.
He reached popularity in early 2020 when several Italian and foreign art curators and newspapers published and invited him to participate in various exhibitions and fairs in Italy and later in Europe and the U.S.
In 2023, His most recent project concerns presenting and projecting his mixed media artwork at the Innsbruck International Art Fair in collaboration with Biancoscuro Art Magazine.
Fred Bugs Influences
Fred Bugs is mainly inspired by European abstract figurative artists, especially Spanish Surrealism from the early 20th century and American street art from the 1980s and 1990s.