Fireworks I |
1974 |
Flame in space and nude woman |
1932 |
oil,canvas |
Snail Woman Flower Star |
1934 |
Flowers and Butterfly |
1922 |
For David Fernández |
1965 |
oil,canvas |
Hair Pursued by 2 Planets |
1968 |
Harlequin's Carnival |
1924 - 1925 |
oil,canvas |
Head of a Catalan Peasant (2) |
1925 |
Head of a Man |
1935 |
oil,cardboard |
Hermitage |
1924 |
oil,pencil,canvas |
Portrait of a Spanish Dancer |
1921 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of a Young Girl |
c.1915 |
Portrait of E.C. Ricart |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Hiberto Casany. (The Chauffeur) |
1918 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Juanita Obrador |
1918 |
Portrait of Mrs Mills in 1750 (after Constable) |
1929 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of V. Nubiola |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Prades, the Village |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Rope and People I |
1935 |
oil,cardboard |
Seated Woman II |
1938 |
Hope of a Condemned Man I |
1974 |
Hope of a Condemned Man II |
1974 |
Hope of a Condemned Man III |
1974 |
Horse, Pipe and Red Flower |
1920 |
House with Palm Tree |
1918 |
Ladders Cross the Blue Sky in a Wheel of Fire |
1953 |
oil,canvas |
La Lune verte |
1972 |
Landscape |
1924 - 1925 |
oil,canvas |
Landscape (The Hare) |
1927 |
oil,canvas |
Landscape with Snake |
1927 |
Self-Portrait |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Self-Portrait (in red overall) |
1919 |
oil,canvas |
Self-Portrait I |
1937 |
Series I |
1952 - 1953 |
Siesta |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Sol de Miró |
1983 |
Standing Nude |
1918 |
Standing Nude |
1921 |
oil,canvas |
Stars in Snails' Sexes |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Still Life with Coffee Mill |
1918 |
Man and Woman in Front of a Pile of Excrement |
1936 |
Maternity |
1924 |
oil,canvas |
May 1968 |
1968 - 1973 |
acrylic,canvas |
Metamorphose |
1936 |
Mont-roig Vineyards and Olive Tree |
1919 |
Naked Woman Climbing a Staircase |
1937; Paris, France |
paper,pencil |
North South |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Untitled |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Woman with Blond Armpit Combing Her Hair by the Light of the Stars |
1940 |
Dones rodejades pel vol d'un ocell |
1941 |
Still Life with Lamp |
1928 |
Still Life with Old Shoe |
1937 |
oil,canvas |
Still Life with Rose |
1916 |
oil,cardboard |
Swallow, Love |
1934 |
oil,canvas |
The Air |
1937 |
lithography |
The Birth of Day |
1968 |
The Birth of the World |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
The Bull Fight |
1945 |
oil,canvas |
The Carbide Lamp |
1922 - 1923 |
oil,canvas |
The Circus House |
1927 |
oil,pencil,canvas |
The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers (from the Constellation series) |
1941 |
Woman and Bird in the Night |
1945 |
The Red Sun Gnaws at the Spider |
1948 |
oil,canvas |
Joaquim Gomis (Mural) |
1948 |
Characters in the Night |
1950 |
The Magdalenians |
1958 |
Character and Bird |
1963 |
Character and Bird |
1963 |
oil,cardboard |
For Emili Fernandez |
1963 |
For David Fernández |
1964 |
The Ear of Grain |
1922 - 1923 |
oil,canvas |
The Escape Ladder |
1939 |
oil,canvas |
The Escape Ladder |
1940 |
gouache,watercolor,ink,paper |
The Family |
1924 |
The Farm |
1921 - 1922 |
oil,canvas |
The Farmer |
c.1912 - c.1914 |
oil,canvas |
The Farmer's Wife |
1922 - 1923 |
oil,canvas |
The Flight of the dragonfly in Front of the Sun |
1968 |
The Gold of the Azure |
1967 |
oil,canvas |
The Great Carnivore |
1969 |
The Skiing Lesson |
1966 |
Woman and Bird I |
1967 |
Woman and Bird in the Night |
1967 |
Bird in the Night |
1967 |
Character and Bird in the Night |
1967 |
Goutte d'eau sur la neige rose |
1968 |
Woman and Birds in the Night |
1968 |
Woman and Birds |
1968 |
Characters and Birds Party for the Night That Is Approaching |
1968 |
Vuelo de pájaros |
1968 |
The Hunter |
1923 - 1924 |
The Lark's Wing, Encircled with Golden Blue, Rejoins the Heart of the Poppy Sleeping on a Diamond-Studded Meadow |
1967 |
acrylic,canvas |
The Matador |
1969 |
The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain |
1940 |
gouache,paper |
The Poetess |
1940 |
gouache |
The Red Disk |
1960 |
The Red Sun |
1948 |
gouache,oil |
The Smile of the Flamboyant Wings |
1953 |
The Song of the Vowels |
1967 |
The Sun Embracing the Lover |
1952 |
oil,canvas |
Woman and Birds in the Night |
1969 - 1974 |
acrylic,canvas |
Femme, oiseaux devant le soleil |
1972 |
Burnt Canvas I |
1973 |
Femme devant l'étoile filante |
1974 |
Woman in the Night |
1974 |
Woman in the Night |
1967 |
oil,burlap |
Untitled |
Women and Birds in the Night |
1968 |
oil |
La Reforma |
c.1916 |
L'instant |
1919 |
The Table (Still Life with Rabbit) |
1920 |
oil,canvas |
The Tilled Field |
1923 |
oil,canvas |
The Vegetable Garden with Donkey |
1918 |
oil,canvas |
The Wagon Tracks |
1918 |
oil,canvas |
Three gifts |
1935 |
Tirador in the Arc |
1927 |
Woman and Bird |
1983 |
Woman and Bird in the Moonlight |
1949 |
Woman before the luna |
1974 |
A Dew Drop Falling from a Bird's Wing Wakes Rosalie, who Has Been Asleep in the Shadow of a Spider's Web |
1939 |
oil,canvas |
Aidez l'Espagne (Help Spain) |
1937 |
A Star Caresses the Breasts of a Negro Woman |
1938 |
Batement II |
1968 |
Bathing Woman |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Untitled |
c.1918 |
Paseo a la ciudad |
1917 |
Church and the Village of Montroig |
c.1918 - c.1919 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait de Mme. K. |
1924 |
chalk,charcoal,crayon,pastel,pencil,sanguine,canvas |
Catalan Peasant Head |
1924 - 1925 |
oil |
Smoker Head |
1925 |
The White Glove |
1925 |
Painting |
1925 |
Composition |
1927 |
Woman and Dog in Front of the Moon |
1935 |
Woman Encircled by the Flight of a Bird |
1941 |
Woman in Front of the Sun |
1950 |
oil,canvas |
Woman in front of the sun I |
1974 |
acrylic,canvas |
Women and Birds at Sunrise |
1946 |
oil,canvas |
Women Sonando Evasion |
1945 |
Big Carpet |
1974 |
Bird's Flight in Moonlight |
1967 |
Blue I |
1961 |
oil |
Blue II |
1961 |
oil,canvas |
Blue III |
1961 |
oil,canvas |
Bottle of Vine |
1924 |
oil,canvas |
Figures in Front of a Metamorphosis |
1936 |
Painting |
1943 |
Painting |
1950 |
oil,canvas |
Painting (Head) |
1927 |
Painting I |
1965 |
Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird |
1926 |
oil,canvas |
Photo; This is the Color of My Dreams |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Poema I |
1968 |
Portrait II |
1938 |
Portrait IV |
1938 |
Bouquet of Flowers. Smile of My Blond |
1924 |
canvas,tempera |
Cap d'home |
1932 |
Carota |
c.1978 |
Catalan Peasant in the Moonlight |
1968 |
Message from a Friend |
1964 |
Character in Front of the Sun |
1968 |
Untitled |
Rhythmic Characters |
1934 |
Woman and Bird in the Night |
1971 - 1975 |
gouache,indian ink,paper |
Woman and Bird in the Night |
Self-Portrait |
1937 |
Painting (Man with a Pipe) |
1925 |
oil |
Catalan Peasant with a Guitar |
c.1924 |
oil,canvas |
Character |
1934 |
pastel,paper |
Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman |
1941 |
gouache,paper |
Ciurana, the Path |
1917 |
oil,canvas |
Composition |
1933 |
oil,canvas |
Constellation Awakening at Dawn |
1941 |
gouache,paper |
Constellation: The Morning Star |
1940 |
gouache,paper |
Dancer |
1925 |
oil,canvas |
Dragonfly with Red-Tipped Wing in Pursuit of a Serpent Spiralling Toward a Comet |
1951 |
Drawing-Collage with a Hat |
1933 |
collage,pencil,paper |
Dutch Interior |
1928 |
oil,canvas |
Dutch Interior I |
1928 |
oil,canvas |
Dutch Interior II |
1928 |
oil,canvas |
Fascinating Personage |
1968 |
Femme III |
1965 |
Figure at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Tracks of Snails |
1940 |
Figures and Dog in Front of the Sun |
1949 |
tempera,canvas |
Untitled |
1964 |
Women and Birds |
1960 |
Joy of a Girl in the Sun |
1960 |
Dawn Perfumed by a Shower of Gold |
1954 |
Watercolor and plaster on composition board |
Nude with a Mirror |
1919 |
Oil on Canvas |
Stars In Snails' Sexes |
1925 |
Oil On Canvas |
Catalan Landscape (The Hunter) |
1923 - 1924 |
Oil on Canvas |
Dog Barking at the Moon (Gos bordant a la lluna) |
1926 |
Oil on Canvas |
Dutch Interior I (Interior holandes I) |
1928 |
Oil on Canvas |
The Farm (La masia) |
1921-22 |
Oil on Canvas |
Horse, Pipe, and Red Flower (Cavall, pipa i flor vermella) |
1920 |
Oil on Canvas |
Nocturne |
1940 |
Tempera, gouache, egg, oil, and pastel on paper |
Still Life with Old Shoe (Natura morta del sabatot) |
1937 |
Oil on Canvas |
Self-Portrait (Autoretrat) |
1919 |
Oil on Canvas |