Joan Miro Biography and Artwork

Joan Miró was a painter born in Catalonia who merged abstract art with Surrealist style. His maturity into his signature style occurred as a result of the tension between his artistic impulses and the modern industrial society. He was known for producing over one thousand different lithographic editions, and he formed a close relationship with Fernand Mourlot during this time. With an affinity for art from childhood, he began formal training at only 7 years old.

The Fauvism and Cubist movements influenced Miró’s earliest works, with whom he associated during Spain’s early century. In 1920, Miró left Spain for Paris where he worked alongside Surrealists Andre Masson and Max Ernst. As an artist who utilized spontaneity techniques to express human psyche workings, Miró is recognized as a pioneer of automatism.

Through his art form of etchings, lithographs, sculptures to name a few pieces that playfully presented bright colors and imaginative shapes guided by lyrical elements. He drew inspiration from Cubism’s contemporary art movement in addition to archaic sources like drawings of children while incorporating fantastical shapes into his work.
Miró created sculptural reliefs from 1928 onwards – this form remained an integral part of his artistic life until death.

All Joan Miro Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
Fireworks I 1974
Flame in space and nude woman 1932 oil,canvas
Snail Woman Flower Star 1934
Flowers and Butterfly 1922
For David Fernández 1965 oil,canvas
Hair Pursued by 2 Planets 1968
Harlequin's Carnival 1924 - 1925 oil,canvas
Head of a Catalan Peasant (2) 1925
Head of a Man 1935 oil,cardboard
Hermitage 1924 oil,pencil,canvas
Portrait of a Spanish Dancer 1921 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Young Girl c.1915
Portrait of E.C. Ricart 1917 oil,canvas
Portrait of Hiberto Casany. (The Chauffeur) 1918 oil,canvas
Portrait of Juanita Obrador 1918
Portrait of Mrs Mills in 1750 (after Constable) 1929 oil,canvas
Portrait of V. Nubiola 1917 oil,canvas
Prades, the Village 1917 oil,canvas
Rope and People I 1935 oil,cardboard
Seated Woman II 1938
Hope of a Condemned Man I 1974
Hope of a Condemned Man II 1974
Hope of a Condemned Man III 1974
Horse, Pipe and Red Flower 1920
House with Palm Tree 1918
Ladders Cross the Blue Sky in a Wheel of Fire 1953 oil,canvas
La Lune verte 1972
Landscape 1924 - 1925 oil,canvas
Landscape (The Hare) 1927 oil,canvas
Landscape with Snake 1927
Self-Portrait 1917 oil,canvas
Self-Portrait (in red overall) 1919 oil,canvas
Self-Portrait I 1937
Series I 1952 - 1953
Siesta 1925 oil,canvas
Sol de Miró 1983
Standing Nude 1918
Standing Nude 1921 oil,canvas
Stars in Snails' Sexes 1925 oil,canvas
Still Life with Coffee Mill 1918
Man and Woman in Front of a Pile of Excrement 1936
Maternity 1924 oil,canvas
May 1968 1968 - 1973 acrylic,canvas
Metamorphose 1936
Mont-roig Vineyards and Olive Tree 1919
Naked Woman Climbing a Staircase 1937; Paris, France paper,pencil
North South 1917 oil,canvas
Untitled 1925 oil,canvas
Woman with Blond Armpit Combing Her Hair by the Light of the Stars 1940
Dones rodejades pel vol d'un ocell 1941
Still Life with Lamp 1928
Still Life with Old Shoe 1937 oil,canvas
Still Life with Rose 1916 oil,cardboard
Swallow, Love 1934 oil,canvas
The Air 1937 lithography
The Birth of Day 1968
The Birth of the World 1925 oil,canvas
The Bull Fight 1945 oil,canvas
The Carbide Lamp 1922 - 1923 oil,canvas
The Circus House 1927 oil,pencil,canvas
The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers (from the Constellation series) 1941
Woman and Bird in the Night 1945
The Red Sun Gnaws at the Spider 1948 oil,canvas
Joaquim Gomis (Mural) 1948
Characters in the Night 1950
The Magdalenians 1958
Character and Bird 1963
Character and Bird 1963 oil,cardboard
For Emili Fernandez 1963
For David Fernández 1964
The Ear of Grain 1922 - 1923 oil,canvas
The Escape Ladder 1939 oil,canvas
The Escape Ladder 1940 gouache,watercolor,ink,paper
The Family 1924
The Farm 1921 - 1922 oil,canvas
The Farmer c.1912 - c.1914 oil,canvas
The Farmer's Wife 1922 - 1923 oil,canvas
The Flight of the dragonfly in Front of the Sun 1968
The Gold of the Azure 1967 oil,canvas
The Great Carnivore 1969
The Skiing Lesson 1966
Woman and Bird I 1967
Woman and Bird in the Night 1967
Bird in the Night 1967
Character and Bird in the Night 1967
Goutte d'eau sur la neige rose 1968
Woman and Birds in the Night 1968
Woman and Birds 1968
Characters and Birds Party for the Night That Is Approaching 1968
Vuelo de pájaros 1968
The Hunter 1923 - 1924
The Lark's Wing, Encircled with Golden Blue, Rejoins the Heart of the Poppy Sleeping on a Diamond-Studded Meadow 1967 acrylic,canvas
The Matador 1969
The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain 1940 gouache,paper
The Poetess 1940 gouache
The Red Disk 1960
The Red Sun 1948 gouache,oil
The Smile of the Flamboyant Wings 1953
The Song of the Vowels 1967
The Sun Embracing the Lover 1952 oil,canvas
Woman and Birds in the Night 1969 - 1974 acrylic,canvas
Femme, oiseaux devant le soleil 1972
Burnt Canvas I 1973
Femme devant l'étoile filante 1974
Woman in the Night 1974
Woman in the Night 1967 oil,burlap
Women and Birds in the Night 1968 oil
La Reforma c.1916
L'instant 1919
The Table (Still Life with Rabbit) 1920 oil,canvas
The Tilled Field 1923 oil,canvas
The Vegetable Garden with Donkey 1918 oil,canvas
The Wagon Tracks 1918 oil,canvas
Three gifts 1935
Tirador in the Arc 1927
Woman and Bird 1983
Woman and Bird in the Moonlight 1949
Woman before the luna 1974
A Dew Drop Falling from a Bird's Wing Wakes Rosalie, who Has Been Asleep in the Shadow of a Spider's Web 1939 oil,canvas
Aidez l'Espagne (Help Spain) 1937
A Star Caresses the Breasts of a Negro Woman 1938
Batement II 1968
Bathing Woman 1925 oil,canvas
Untitled c.1918
Paseo a la ciudad 1917
Church and the Village of Montroig c.1918 - c.1919 oil,canvas
Portrait de Mme. K. 1924 chalk,charcoal,crayon,pastel,pencil,sanguine,canvas
Catalan Peasant Head 1924 - 1925 oil
Smoker Head 1925
The White Glove 1925
Painting 1925
Composition 1927
Woman and Dog in Front of the Moon 1935
Woman Encircled by the Flight of a Bird 1941
Woman in Front of the Sun 1950 oil,canvas
Woman in front of the sun I 1974 acrylic,canvas
Women and Birds at Sunrise 1946 oil,canvas
Women Sonando Evasion 1945
Big Carpet 1974
Bird's Flight in Moonlight 1967
Blue I 1961 oil
Blue II 1961 oil,canvas
Blue III 1961 oil,canvas
Bottle of Vine 1924 oil,canvas
Figures in Front of a Metamorphosis 1936
Painting 1943
Painting 1950 oil,canvas
Painting (Head) 1927
Painting I 1965
Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird 1926 oil,canvas
Photo; This is the Color of My Dreams 1925 oil,canvas
Poema I 1968
Portrait II 1938
Portrait IV 1938
Bouquet of Flowers. Smile of My Blond 1924 canvas,tempera
Cap d'home 1932
Carota c.1978
Catalan Peasant in the Moonlight 1968
Message from a Friend 1964
Character in Front of the Sun 1968
Rhythmic Characters 1934
Woman and Bird in the Night 1971 - 1975 gouache,indian ink,paper
Woman and Bird in the Night
Self-Portrait 1937
Painting (Man with a Pipe) 1925 oil
Catalan Peasant with a Guitar c.1924 oil,canvas
Character 1934 pastel,paper
Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman 1941 gouache,paper
Ciurana, the Path 1917 oil,canvas
Composition 1933 oil,canvas
Constellation Awakening at Dawn 1941 gouache,paper
Constellation: The Morning Star 1940 gouache,paper
Dancer 1925 oil,canvas
Dragonfly with Red-Tipped Wing in Pursuit of a Serpent Spiralling Toward a Comet 1951
Drawing-Collage with a Hat 1933 collage,pencil,paper
Dutch Interior 1928 oil,canvas
Dutch Interior I 1928 oil,canvas
Dutch Interior II 1928 oil,canvas
Fascinating Personage 1968
Femme III 1965
Figure at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Tracks of Snails 1940
Figures and Dog in Front of the Sun 1949 tempera,canvas
Untitled 1964
Women and Birds 1960
Joy of a Girl in the Sun 1960
Dawn Perfumed by a Shower of Gold 1954 Watercolor and plaster on composition board
Nude with a Mirror 1919 Oil on Canvas
Stars In Snails' Sexes 1925 Oil On Canvas
Catalan Landscape (The Hunter) 1923 - 1924 Oil on Canvas
Dog Barking at the Moon (Gos bordant a la lluna) 1926 Oil on Canvas
Dutch Interior I (Interior holandes I) 1928 Oil on Canvas
The Farm (La masia) 1921-22 Oil on Canvas
Horse, Pipe, and Red Flower (Cavall, pipa i flor vermella) 1920 Oil on Canvas
Nocturne 1940 Tempera, gouache, egg, oil, and pastel on paper
Still Life with Old Shoe (Natura morta del sabatot) 1937 Oil on Canvas
Self-Portrait (Autoretrat) 1919 Oil on Canvas
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