Tintoretto – Artwork & Bio of the Italian Painter

Tintoretto was an Italian painter born in Venice, Italy, in 1518. Tintoretto’s artistic training began in the studio of Titian, after which he resorted to learning independently. Tintoretto’s style during this period featured loose brushwork and a sketch-like effect. Around 1538, the young Tintoretto opened his workshop and started painting professionally.

In the 1540s, Tintoretto’s reputation increased through the numerous commissions he received due to his relatively lower fees. Consequently, he came to the notice of the public and art collectors despite competition and sabotage attempts by other artists. Tintoretto maintained his market-cornering strategy of undercutting other artists with his fees, securing more commissions and contracts.

He was admitted into the Scuola Grande di San Rocco confraternity in 1565, a year after he donated a ceiling painting for their new meeting house. After the death of Titian in 1576, Tintoretto started receiving international commissions; from the King of Spain and the Venetian state. He kept working in his final days, assisted by his children, before dying on 13 May 1594.

What was Tintoretto Known For?

Tintoretto was known for painting religious scenes, large-scale frescoes and murals, and portraits. Tintoretto started painting pastoral scenes in his mature period, the 1540s, and they became his best-known works. In addition, he executed several commissions for murals, frescos, interior designs, and portraits.

Who was Tintoretto Influenced By?

Tintoretto was influenced by Michelangelo and Titian. Though these two artists worked in contrasting styles, Tintoretto fused their techniques to form his oil. The influence of Italian art heavyweights shone through the words of Tintoretto’s studio wall – “The drawing of Michelangelo and the coloring of Titian.”

What Art Movement was Tintoretto Associated With?

Tintoretto was associated with the Renaissance art movement.

Tintoretto Artwork

Below are some of the artworks of Tintoretto

Christ at the Sea of Galilee



Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples



Conquest of Zara



Creation of the Animals






Finding of the body of St Mark



Muse with Lute






Saint George and the Dragon



Saint Mark’s Body Brought to Venice



Susanna and the Elders



The Annunciation



The Birth of John the Baptist



The Last Supper



The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave



The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes



The Origin of the Milky Way



The Abduction of Helen



Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan




All Tintoretto Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
Allegory of Faith c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of Generosity c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of Goodness c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of Happiness c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of Music
Allegory of Prudence oil,canvas
Allegory of the Scuola della Carità c.1564 oil,canvas
Marcantonio Barbaro 1593
Marriage at Cana 1561 oil,canvas
Mary with the Child Venerated by St Marc and St Luke
Mercury and the Graces 1576 - 1577 oil,canvas
Minerva Sending Away Mars from Peace and Prosperity 1576 - 1577 oil,canvas
Miracle of the manna c.1577 oil,canvas
Moses Drawing Water from the Rock 1575 - 1577 oil,canvas
Moses Receiving the Tables of the Law 1560 - 1562 oil,canvas
Moses Striking the Rock
Muse with Lute 1528 - 1594 oil,canvas
Taking Milan by Federico II Gonzaga 1578 - 1580 oil,canvas
Tamar and Judah c.1555 - 1559 oil,canvas
Tarquin and Lucretia
The Adoration of the Magi 1582 oil,canvas
The Adoration of the Shepherds 1578 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Annunciation 1583 - 1587 oil,canvas
The Annunciation to Manoah's Wife 1555 - 1558 oil,canvas
The Apotheosis of St Roch 1564 oil,canvas
The Apparition of St Roch c.1588 oil,canvas
The Ascent to Calvary 1565 - 1567 oil,canvas
Allegory of the Scuola della Misericordia c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of the Scuola di San Giovanni Evangelista c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of the Scuola di San Marco c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of the Scuola di San Teodoro c.1564 oil,canvas
Allegory of Truth c.1564 oil,canvas
Angelica and the hermit
Annunciation 1576 - 1581 oil,canvas
Annunciation, Maria 1528 - 1594 oil,canvas
Annunciation the Angel 1528 - 1594 oil,canvas
Old Man and a Boy
Pallas Athena Drives Away Mars
Paradise c.1579 oil,canvas
Paradise c.1592 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Bearded Man
Portrait of a Bearded Man in a Black Robe with Fur
Portrait of a Collector 1560 - 1565 oil,canvas
Portrait of a distinguished man c.1550 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Doge
Portrait of a Genoese Nobleman c.1550 oil,canvas
The Assumption 1555 oil,canvas
The Assumption of the Virgin 1582 - 1594 oil,canvas
The Baptism of Christ
The Battle Between the Philistines and the Israelites
The Battle of Lepanto
The battle of the Taro 1578 - 1579 oil,canvas
The Battle of Zara
The Birth of John the Baptist c.1554 oil,canvas
The Brazen Serpent 1575 - 1576 oil,canvas
The Capture of Constantinople in 1204 1580
A Philosopher 1570 oil,canvas
Apollo (possibly Hymen) crowning a Poet and giving him a Spouse c.1560
Apollo with Concert of the Muses
Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto
Ascension of Christ c.1576 - 1581 oil,canvas
Assumption of the Virgin c.1550 oil,canvas
Autumn c.1564 oil,canvas
Bacchus and Ariadne 1578 oil,canvas
Baptism of Christ oil,canvas
Battle between Turks and Christians 1588 - 1589 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Gentleman
Portrait of Agostino Doria 1550 - 1553
Portrait of Alvise Cornaro 1560 - 1565 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Man c.1560 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Man c.1573 oil,canvas
Portrait of a man 1547 - 1550 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a man oil,canvas
Portrait of a Man
The Circumcision c.1587 oil,canvas
The Contest Between Apollo and Marsyas
The Conversion of Saint Paul
The Conversion of Saul c.1545 oil,canvas
The Crucifixion of Christ 1568 oil,canvas
The Dead Christ Adored by Doges Pietro Lando and Marcantonio Trevisan c.1580 oil,canvas
The Dead Christ with Two Angels
The Deposition 1557 - 1559 oil,canvas
The descent from the Cross c.1578 - 1580 oil,canvas
The Descent into Hell 1568 oil,canvas
Battle of Asola 1544 oil,canvas
Battle of the Archangel Michael and the Satan oil,canvas
Birth of St John the Baptist c.1563 oil,canvas
Cain and Abel
Camerlenghi Madonna (Madonna of the Treasurers) c.1567 oil,canvas
Christ and the Adulteress 1528 - 1594 oil
Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery c.1550 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Man in a Gold Decorated Suit of Armour
Portrait of An Elderly Bearded Man Head and Shoulders
Portrait of a Nobleman
Portrait of a Procurator of St Mark's oil,canvas
Portrait of a Senator c.1570 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Senator c.1580 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Venetian admiral oil,canvas
Portrait of a Venetian Senator c.1560
Portrait of a Venetian senator 1570 - 1580
Portrait of a White Bearded Man c.1545 oil,canvas
The Dreams of Men
The Entombment
The Eternal Father Appears to Moses 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
The Evangelists Luke and Matthew 1557 oil,canvas
The Evangelists Mark and John 1557 oil,canvas
The Flagellation
The Flight into Egypt 1582 - 1587 oil,canvas
The Holy Family and the Doge Ranieri
The Jews in the Desert c.1593 oil,canvas
Christ before Pilate 1566 - 1567 oil,canvas
Christ Carried to the Tomb c.1565 oil,canvas
Christ in the house of the Pharisee
Christ on the Sea of Galilee 1575 - 1580 oil,canvas
Christ Preaching to the Multitudes
Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples c.1547 oil,canvas
Christ washing the Feet of the Disciples 1575 oil,canvas
Christ with Mary and Martha oil,canvas
Conquest of Zara 1584 oil,canvas
Creation of the Animals 1551 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Woman oil,canvas
Portrait of a Woman Revealing Her Breasts c.1570 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Young Bearded Man
Portrait of a Young Gentleman c.1555 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of Dogaressa Morosina Morosini silverpoint
Portrait of Doge Girolamo Priuli 1559 oil,canvas
Portrait of Doge Pietro Loredan 1567 - 1570 oil,canvas
Portrait of Doge Pietro Loredano c.1570 oil,canvas
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Pietà) 1560 - 1565 oil,canvas
The Last Judgment 1560 - 1562 oil,canvas
The Last Supper c.1570 oil,canvas
The Last Supper 1547
The Last Supper 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Last Supper 1592 - 1594 oil,canvas
The Madonna of the Stars
The Magdalene in the Wilderness
The Martyrdom of St Paul c.1556 oil,canvas
The Massacre of the Innocents 1582 - 1587 oil,canvas
Crucifixion c.1560 oil,canvas
Crucifixion 1565 oil,canvas
Danae c.1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Defence of Brescia 1584 oil,canvas
Deposition of Christ 1556 - 1559 oil,canvas
Deposition 1556 - 1558 oil,canvas
Design for an Allegory of Fortune (Felicità) 1564
Deucalion and Pyrrha Praying before the Statue of the Goddess Themis c.1542 oil,panel
Doge Alvise I Mocenigo and Family Before the Madonna c.1573 oil,canvas
Doge Alvise Mocenigo c.1570 oil,canvas
Portrait of Giovanni Paolo Cornaro 1561 oil,canvas
Portrait of Jacopo Sansovino c.1565 oil,canvas
Portrait of Jacopo Sansovino oil,canvas
Portrait of Jacopo Sansovino 1571 oil,canvas
Portrait of Jacopo Soranso c.1550 oil,canvas
Portrait of Jacopo Soranzo c.1550 oil,canvas
Portrait of Nicolaus Padavinus 1589 oil,canvas
Portrait of Nicolo Doria
Portrait of Procurator Antonio Cappello c.1551 oil,canvas
Portrait of Procurator Nicolò Priuli c.1545 oil,canvas
The Meeting of Tamar and Juda
The Miracle of St Agnes c.1577 oil,canvas
The Miracle of St Augustine c.1550 oil,canvas
The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave 1548 oil,canvas
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Murder of Abel 1551 - 1552 oil,canvas
The Origin of the Milky Way c.1575 oil,canvas
The Passover 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
The Pillar of Fire 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Doge Alvise Mocenigo and Family before the Madonna and Child
Doge Alvise Mocenigo and Family Before the Madonna and Child
Doge Alvise Mocenigo Presented to the Redeemer
Doge Gerolamo Priuli Tintoretto
Doge Nicolò da Ponte Invoking the Protection of the Virgin 1584 oil,canvas
Doge Nicolò da Ponte Receiving a Laurel Crown from Venice 1584 oil,canvas
Doge Pietro Loredano
Double portrait of two men oil,canvas
Ecce Homo 1566 - 1567 oil,canvas
Portrait of Sebastiano Venier with a Page c.1580 oil,canvas
Portrait of Senator Marco Grimani 1576 - 1583
Portrait of the Doge Giovanni Bembo
Portrait of the Procurator Alessandro Gritti
Portrait of the sculptor Jacopo Sansovino 1560 - 1570 oil,canvas
Portrait of Vincenzo Morosini 1580 oil,canvas
Probatica Piscina 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
Prophet 1566 - 1567 oil,canvas
Prophet 1566 - 1567 oil,canvas
Recovery of the corpse of St. Mark 1562 - 1566 oil,canvas
The Prayer in the Garden 1578 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple 1550 - 1555 oil,canvas
The Presentation of the Virgin 1553 - 1556 oil,canvas
The Queen of Sheba and Solomon c.1555
The Raising of Lazarus 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Resurrection of Christ
The Resurrection of Christ 1565 oil,canvas
The Resurrection of Christ 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Sacrifice of Isaac 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
The Supper at Emmaus
Ecce Homo (Pontius Pilate Presenting Christ to the Crowd) 1546 - 1547 oil,canvas
Elijah Fed by the Angel 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Elisha Multiplies the Bread 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Entombment 1592 - 1594 oil,canvas
Esther before Ahasuerus 1547 - 1548 oil,canvas
Federico I. Gonzaga, the city of Legnano 1578 - 1580 oil,canvas
Finding of Moses oil,canvas
Finding of the body of St Mark c.1562 oil,canvas
Finding the True Cross 1578
Francesco II Gonzaga against Charles VIII of France 1495 in fighting the battle of the Taro 1578 - 1580
Rescue of Arsinoe oil,canvas
Risen Christ with St.Andrew and members of Morosini family
Saint George and the Dragon c.1560 oil,canvas
Saint George and the Dragon
Saint Nicolas of Bari
Saint Roch 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
Sebastiano Venier 1571 oil,canvas
Self Portrait with a Book c.1585 oil,canvas
Solomon and Sheba 1542 oil,panel
The Supper at Emmaus 1542 - 1543 oil,canvas
The Temptation of Adam 1551 - 1552 oil,canvas
The Temptation of Christ 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
The Temptation of St Anthony c.1577 oil,canvas
The Venetian ambassador to Barbarossa
The Virgin and Child with four senators
The Vision of Ezekiel 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
The Vision of St Peter c.1556 oil,canvas
The wise and foolish virgins oil,canvas
The Worship of the Golden Calf c.1560 oil,canvas
Frederick II conquered Parma in 1521 1578 - 1579 oil,canvas
Galeas For Montes oil,canvas
Hercules Expelling the Faun from Omphales Bed
Illustrated Depiction of God with Holy Bettmann
Jacob's Ladder 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Jacopo Robusti Il Tintoretto, Flora c.1590
Jonah Leaves the Whale`s Belly 1577 - 1578 oil,canvas
Joseph and Potiphar's wife c.1544 oil,canvas
Judith and Holofernes c.1579 oil,canvas
Lamentation 1563 oil,canvas
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba c.1545 oil,canvas
Spring c.1564 oil,canvas
St. Christopher
St George 1543 - 1544 oil,canvas
St Jerome c.1550 oil,canvas
St Jerome and St Andrew c.1552 oil,canvas
St Louis, St George, and the Princess c.1553 oil,canvas
St Mark Rescuing a Saracen from Shipwreck 1562 - 1566 oil,canvas
St Mary Magdalen 1582 - 1587 oil,canvas
St Mary of Egypt 1582 - 1587 oil,canvas
Three Venetian Counsellors
Tintoretto at the deathbed of his daughter
Triumph of Venice 1584 oil,canvas
Twenty Five Year Old Youth with Fur Lined Coat
Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan oil,canvas
Venus, Mars, and Vulcan 1551
Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine, Saint Augustine, Saint Marc and Saint John the Baptist c.1549 - 1550
Visitation c.1588 oil,canvas
Vulcan's Forge 1576 - 1577 oil,canvas
Winter c.1564 oil,canvas
Lamentation over the Dead Christ c.1560 oil,canvas
Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Last Supper c.1570 oil,canvas
Lorenzo Soranzo
Lorenzo Soranzo
Madonna and Child
Madonna with Child and Donor Tintoretto 1524
Man in Armour c.1550 oil,canvas
Man with Gold Chain c.1551 oil,canvas
St Nicholas oil,canvas
St Roch in Prison Visited by an Angel 1567 oil,canvas
St Roch in the Hospital 1549 oil,canvas
St Sebastian 1579 - 1581 oil,canvas
Sts Helen and Barbara Adoring the Cross oil,canvas
Study c.1551
Summer c.1564 oil,canvas
Susanna and the Elders c.1555 oil,canvas
Women playing instruments oil,canvas
Young man in a gold decorated suit of armour 1555 - 1556 oil
Young Man of the Renialme Family 1547 - 1548
Young Man with a Beard
Leda and the Swan c. 1555 Oil on Canvas
The Deliverance of Arsinoe c. 1560 Oil on Canvas
The Maundy (Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples) c. 1547 Oil on Canvas
Vincenzo Morosini c. 1580 Oil on Canvas
Christ at the Sea of Galilee c. 1575-80 Oil on Canvas
Self-portrait 1588 Oil on Canvas
The Baptism of Christ 1579 - 1581 Oil on Canvas
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