William Hogarth Biography and Artwork

William Hogarth was a renowned British artist known for his satirical engravings and paintings. Born in London in 1697 to a poor family, Hogarth’s father’s failed business left them in debt. He started his career as an apprentice to an engraver where he discovered his passion for art.

Hogarth is best known for his moral and satirical works, with one of his most famous pieces being A Rake’s Progress. He was the first great English-born artist to attract admiration abroad, becoming one of Britain’s most influential visual artists of all time.

Despite starting as an engraver apprentice, Hogarth went on to become a prolific portrait artist, focusing mainly on capturing facial expressions. His work has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and shows in London, showcasing the impact that his satirical style had on the art world during that era.

With a legacy that will live on forever, William Hogarth paved the way for future artists while also inspiring audiences with creative expression through satirical pieces that stand out even centuries later.

All William Hogarth Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
Before the Seduction and After 1731 oil,canvas
Benefit ticket (Mr Milward)' A Bold Stroke for a Wife
Blowing off about his new Copyright Act
Caliban from "The Tempest" of William Shakespeare
Central panel of the altar triptych, St Nicholas, Bristol
Characters and Caricaturas 1743
Columbus Breaking the Egg (Christopher Columbus) 1752
Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism
Cruelty in perfection 1751
The Marriage Contract c.1743 - c.1745 oil,canvas
The murder of the count c.1743 - c.1745 oil,canvas
The Pit
The Polling 1754 - 1755 oil,canvas
The Pool of Bethesda 1736 oil,canvas
The prison 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
The Reward of Cruelty 1751 engraving,paper
The Roast Beef of Old England
The servants of the painter 1750 oil,canvas
The Shrimp Girl
David Garrick and his Wife 1757 oil,canvas
David Garrick as Richard III 1745 oil,canvas
Election Propaganda 1754 - 1755 oil,canvas
Emblematical print of the South Sea Scheme 1721 engraving,paper
English librettist Thomas Morell
Falstaff Examining His Recruits 1728 oil,canvas
First stage of cruelty 1751
Frontispiece and its explanation (Hurdibras)
Frontispiece of Fielding's 'The tragedy of tragedies'
George Arnold c.1740 oil,canvas
The sleeping church 1728 - 1729 oil,canvas
The Staymaker c.1744 oil,canvas
The Strode Family c.1738 - c.1742 oil,canvas
The Tete-a-Tete 1743 oil,canvas
The Theft of a Watch c.1731 oil,canvas
The Times'
The Times, plate 2 1762 - 1763
The triumph of Representatives 1754 - 1755 oil,canvas
The Wedding Banquet c.1745 oil,canvas
The Wedding of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox c.1729 oil,canvas
Gerard Anne Edwards in His Cradle 1733 oil,canvas
Gin Lane 1750 - 1751 etching,paper,engraving
Hogarth Painting the Comic Muse
Hudibras Encounters the Skimmington, from 'Hudibras', by Samuel Butler 1726 engraving,paper
Hudibras' First Adventure, from 'Hudibras' by Samuel Butler lithography,paper
Inigo Jones
John Henley with five unknown figures
John Wilkes 1763
Lame theater
Time smoking a picture
Times of the Day: Evening lithography,paper
Times of the Day: Morning engraving,paper
Times of the Day, Noon 1738 engraving,paper
Tyburn Large
The Shrimp Girl c.1740 - c.1745 oil,canvas
Visit with the Quack Doctor c.1743 - c.1745 oil,canvas
Wanstead Assembly at Wanstead_ House c.1731 oil,canvas
Rake's Progress' The Gaming House 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
Le Libertin à Bedlam 1734
Lord Hervey and His Friends c.1738 - c.1739 oil,canvas
Marriage 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
Married to an Old Maid lithography,paper
Mary Toft, apparently giving birth to rabbits 1726
Miss Mary Edwards 1742 oil,canvas
Moses Brought Before Pharaoh's Daughter 1746 oil,canvas
Moses Brought to the Pharaoh's Daughter 1752 etching,paper
Mrs Catherine Edwards 1739 oil,canvas
Industrious 'Prentice Performing Duties of Christian
A Scene from the Beggar's Opera 1728 - 1729 oil,canvas
William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, Later 4th Duke of Devonshire 1741 oil,canvas
William Jones 1740
Portrait of Augusta of Saxe Gotha c.1736 - c.1738 oil,canvas
Portrait of a Young Woman oil,canvas
Portrait of Bischofs Benjamin Hoadly c.1743 oil,canvas
Portrait of Captain Coram 1740 oil,canvas
Portrait of Dr. Benjamin Hoadly c.1738 oil,canvas
Portrait of en'Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron of Despencer
Portrait of Lady Mary Grey and Lord George Grey 1740 oil,canvas
Portrait of Lord George Graham in his saloon
Portrait of Madam Salter 1744 oil,canvas
Portrait of Sarah Macholm in Prison 1733 oil,canvas
Prospero and Miranda from "The Tempest" of William Shakespeare c.1728 oil,canvas
Royalty, Episcopacy and Law
Satan, Sin and Death 1740 oil,canvas
Scene in a Tavern (The Orgy) 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
Scholars at a Lecture engraving,paper
Second stage of cruelty 1751
Self portrait c.1757 oil,canvas
Self-Portrait 1745 oil,canvas
Self portrait (from the Gate of Calais)
Sigismonda 1758 - 1759 oil,canvas
Simon Fraser, 11th Baron Lovat oil,canvas
Southwark Fair 1733 oil,canvas
Stand of arms and instruments
Strolling Actresses Dressing in Barn 1738
Suicide of the Countess c.1743 - c.1745 oil,canvas
Surrounded by Artists and Professors lithography,paper
Taste in High Life
The arrest for theft 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
The Ashley and Popple Family 1730 oil,canvas
The Children's Theater In The House Of John Conduit 1731 - 1732 oil,canvas
The Ball c.1745 oil,canvas
The Banquet 1754 - 1755 oil,canvas
The Bathos
The Battle of the Pictures 1743 engraving,paper
The Bench c.1758 oil,canvas
The Bench 1758 engraving,paper
The Chorus lithography,paper
The Company of Undertakers
The Countess's Morning Levee c.1743 - c.1745 oil,canvas
After (Outdoor Scene)
The Denunciation c.1729 oil,canvas
The Distrest Poet 1729 - 1736 oil,canvas
The Enraged Musician 1741
The Fishing Party c.1730 oil,canvas
The Five Orders of Perriwigs lithography,paper
The Fountaine Family c.1730 oil,canvas
The Four Times of Day: Night 1736 oil,canvas
The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons
The Good Samaritan 1737 oil,canvas
The Graham Children 1742 oil,canvas
A Harlot's Progress, plate 1 1732 print
A Harlot's Progress, plate 2 1732 engraving,paper
A Harlot's Progress, plate 3 engraving,paper
A Harlot's Progress, plate 4
A Harlot's Progress, plate 5
A Harlot's Progress, plate 6
A Just View of the English Stage 1724
A Midnight Modern Conversation lithography,paper
The Analysis of Beauty 1753
The heir 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
Satire on False Perspective oil,canvas
The Invasion, England 1756 print
The Invasion, France 1756 print
The Lady's Last Stake c.1759 oil,canvas
The Laughing Audience (or A Pleased Audience)
The Lottery
The Mackinen Children 1747 oil,canvas
The Madhouse 1732 - 1735 oil,canvas
The March of the Guards to Finchley 1750 oil,canvas
The March To Finchley 1750 Etching And Engraving
The rake's progress the rake in Bedlam 1735 Oil on Canvas
John Wilkes, Esq. 1763 Engraving
The Bruiser 1763 engraving,paper
Beer Street 1751 engraving,paper
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