Before |
Before the Seduction and After |
1731 |
oil,canvas |
Benefit ticket (Mr Milward)' A Bold Stroke for a Wife |
Blowing off about his new Copyright Act |
Caliban from "The Tempest" of William Shakespeare |
Central panel of the altar triptych, St Nicholas, Bristol |
Characters and Caricaturas |
1743 |
Columbus Breaking the Egg (Christopher Columbus) |
1752 |
Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism |
Cruelty in perfection |
1751 |
The Marriage Contract |
c.1743 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
The murder of the count |
c.1743 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
The Pit |
The Polling |
1754 - 1755 |
oil,canvas |
The Pool of Bethesda |
1736 |
oil,canvas |
The prison |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
The Reward of Cruelty |
1751 |
engraving,paper |
The Roast Beef of Old England |
The servants of the painter |
1750 |
oil,canvas |
The Shrimp Girl |
David Garrick and his Wife |
1757 |
oil,canvas |
David Garrick as Richard III |
1745 |
oil,canvas |
Election Propaganda |
1754 - 1755 |
oil,canvas |
Emblematical print of the South Sea Scheme |
1721 |
engraving,paper |
English librettist Thomas Morell |
Falstaff Examining His Recruits |
1728 |
oil,canvas |
First stage of cruelty |
1751 |
Frontispiece and its explanation (Hurdibras) |
Frontispiece of Fielding's 'The tragedy of tragedies' |
George Arnold |
c.1740 |
oil,canvas |
The sleeping church |
1728 - 1729 |
oil,canvas |
The Staymaker |
c.1744 |
oil,canvas |
The Strode Family |
c.1738 - c.1742 |
oil,canvas |
The Tete-a-Tete |
1743 |
oil,canvas |
The Theft of a Watch |
c.1731 |
oil,canvas |
The Times' |
The Times, plate 2 |
1762 - 1763 |
The triumph of Representatives |
1754 - 1755 |
oil,canvas |
The Wedding Banquet |
c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
The Wedding of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox |
c.1729 |
oil,canvas |
Gerard Anne Edwards in His Cradle |
1733 |
oil,canvas |
Gin Lane |
1750 - 1751 |
etching,paper,engraving |
Hogarth Painting the Comic Muse |
Hudibras |
Hudibras Encounters the Skimmington, from 'Hudibras', by Samuel Butler |
1726 |
engraving,paper |
Hudibras' First Adventure, from 'Hudibras' by Samuel Butler |
lithography,paper |
Inigo Jones |
John Henley with five unknown figures |
John Wilkes |
1763 |
Lame theater |
Time smoking a picture |
Times of the Day: Evening |
lithography,paper |
Times of the Day: Morning |
engraving,paper |
Times of the Day, Noon |
1738 |
engraving,paper |
Tyburn Large |
The Shrimp Girl |
c.1740 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
Visit with the Quack Doctor |
c.1743 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
Wanstead Assembly at Wanstead_ House |
c.1731 |
oil,canvas |
Rake's Progress' The Gaming House |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
Le Libertin à Bedlam |
1734 |
Lord Hervey and His Friends |
c.1738 - c.1739 |
oil,canvas |
Marriage |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
Married to an Old Maid |
lithography,paper |
Mary Toft, apparently giving birth to rabbits |
1726 |
Miss Mary Edwards |
1742 |
oil,canvas |
Moses Brought Before Pharaoh's Daughter |
1746 |
oil,canvas |
Moses Brought to the Pharaoh's Daughter |
1752 |
etching,paper |
Mrs Catherine Edwards |
1739 |
oil,canvas |
Industrious 'Prentice Performing Duties of Christian |
A Scene from the Beggar's Opera |
1728 - 1729 |
oil,canvas |
William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, Later 4th Duke of Devonshire |
1741 |
oil,canvas |
William Jones |
1740 |
Portrait of Augusta of Saxe Gotha |
c.1736 - c.1738 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of a Young Woman |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Bischofs Benjamin Hoadly |
c.1743 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Captain Coram |
1740 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Dr. Benjamin Hoadly |
c.1738 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of en'Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron of Despencer |
Portrait of Lady Mary Grey and Lord George Grey |
1740 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Lord George Graham in his saloon |
Portrait of Madam Salter |
1744 |
oil,canvas |
Portrait of Sarah Macholm in Prison |
1733 |
oil,canvas |
Prospero and Miranda from "The Tempest" of William Shakespeare |
c.1728 |
oil,canvas |
Royalty, Episcopacy and Law |
Satan, Sin and Death |
1740 |
oil,canvas |
Scene in a Tavern (The Orgy) |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
Scholars at a Lecture |
engraving,paper |
Second stage of cruelty |
1751 |
Self portrait |
c.1757 |
oil,canvas |
Self-Portrait |
1745 |
oil,canvas |
Self portrait (from the Gate of Calais) |
Sigismonda |
1758 - 1759 |
oil,canvas |
Simon Fraser, 11th Baron Lovat |
oil,canvas |
Southwark Fair |
1733 |
oil,canvas |
Stand of arms and instruments |
Strolling Actresses Dressing in Barn |
1738 |
Suicide of the Countess |
c.1743 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
Surrounded by Artists and Professors |
lithography,paper |
Taste in High Life |
The arrest for theft |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
The Ashley and Popple Family |
1730 |
oil,canvas |
The Children's Theater In The House Of John Conduit |
1731 - 1732 |
oil,canvas |
The Ball |
c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
The Banquet |
1754 - 1755 |
oil,canvas |
The Bathos |
The Battle of the Pictures |
1743 |
engraving,paper |
The Bench |
c.1758 |
oil,canvas |
The Bench |
1758 |
engraving,paper |
The Chorus |
lithography,paper |
The Company of Undertakers |
The Countess's Morning Levee |
c.1743 - c.1745 |
oil,canvas |
After (Outdoor Scene) |
The Denunciation |
c.1729 |
oil,canvas |
The Distrest Poet |
1729 - 1736 |
oil,canvas |
The Enraged Musician |
1741 |
The Fishing Party |
c.1730 |
oil,canvas |
The Five Orders of Perriwigs |
lithography,paper |
The Fountaine Family |
c.1730 |
oil,canvas |
The Four Times of Day: Night |
1736 |
oil,canvas |
The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons |
The Good Samaritan |
1737 |
oil,canvas |
The Graham Children |
1742 |
oil,canvas |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 1 |
1732 |
print |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 2 |
1732 |
engraving,paper |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 3 |
engraving,paper |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 4 |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 5 |
A Harlot's Progress, plate 6 |
A Just View of the English Stage |
1724 |
A Midnight Modern Conversation |
lithography,paper |
The Analysis of Beauty |
1753 |
Before |
The heir |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
Satire on False Perspective |
oil,canvas |
The Invasion, England |
1756 |
print |
The Invasion, France |
1756 |
print |
The Lady's Last Stake |
c.1759 |
oil,canvas |
The Laughing Audience (or A Pleased Audience) |
The Lottery |
The Mackinen Children |
1747 |
oil,canvas |
The Madhouse |
1732 - 1735 |
oil,canvas |
The March of the Guards to Finchley |
1750 |
oil,canvas |
The March To Finchley |
1750 |
Etching And Engraving |
The rake's progress the rake in Bedlam |
1735 |
Oil on Canvas |
John Wilkes, Esq. |
1763 |
Engraving |
The Bruiser |
1763 |
engraving,paper |
Beer Street |
1751 |
engraving,paper |