William Hogarth Biography and Artwork

William Hogarth was a renowned British artist known for his satirical engravings and paintings. Born in London in 1697 to a poor family, Hogarth’s father’s failed business left them in debt. He started his career as an apprentice to an engraver where he discovered his passion for art.

Hogarth is best known for his moral and satirical works, with one of his most famous pieces being A Rake’s Progress. He was the first great English-born artist to attract admiration abroad, becoming one of Britain’s most influential visual artists of all time.

Despite starting as an engraver apprentice, Hogarth went on to become a prolific portrait artist, focusing mainly on capturing facial expressions. His work has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and shows in London, showcasing the impact that his satirical style had on the art world during that era.

With a legacy that will live on forever, William Hogarth paved the way for future artists while also inspiring audiences with creative expression through satirical pieces that stand out even centuries later.

All William Hogarth Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
The March To Finchley 1750 Etching And Engraving
The rake's progress the rake in Bedlam 1735 Oil on Canvas
John Wilkes, Esq. 1763 Engraving
The Bruiser 1763 engraving,paper
Beer Street 1751 engraving,paper
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