The artwork, titled “109. Minami Shinagawa and Samezu Coast,” was created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in 1857. It is a woodblock print, exemplifying the Ukiyo-e art movement. This piece is part of the series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” and belongs to the landscape and marina genres.
The artwork depicts a serene coastal landscape viewed from an elevated perspective. In the foreground, a number of small boats with fishermen can be seen navigating through the reeds scattered across the water. The left side of the artwork features a village with traditional buildings nestled along the shoreline. Toward the horizon, the coastline continues to stretch out, gradually merging with the distant mountains under the pastel hues of the setting or rising sun. The sky is filled with migrating birds, their formation adding a dynamic element to the otherwise tranquil scene. The use of vibrant blues and delicate shading techniques masterfully captures the serene beauty of the Minami Shinagawa and Samezu Coast.