The artwork titled “115. The Takata Riding Grounds,” created by the artist Hiroshige in 1857, is a woodblock print that belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement. This piece, classified under the landscape genre, forms part of the celebrated series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork effectively captures a scene of Takata Riding Grounds, characterized by its detailed portrayal of archery and horsemanship activities. The print is delineated by vibrant colors and meticulous attention to natural elements, showcasing Hiroshige’s adeptness in depicting landscapes. A large tree dominates the left foreground, with traditional Japanese paraphernalia, including a target and arrows. In the background, a group of horsemen ride along a path, bordered by lush greenery and distant mountains. The sky transitions gracefully from a soft twilight to the gentle hues of dawn, embodying the serene beauty of Edo’s scenic vistas.