The artwork, titled “2. Kasumigaseki,” was created by the esteemed artist Hiroshige in 1857. This woodblock print, part of the Ukiyo-e movement, falls within the landscape genre. It is one piece from the celebrated series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork portrays a serene and balanced composition, blending human activity with the tranquility of nature. In the foreground, figures are depicted engaging in various daily activities, creating a vivid sense of community. The mid-ground features kites soaring in a clear sky transitioning from a warm sunset to the cool tones of dusk. The background is dominated by architectural elements and natural elements that illustrate a harmonious coexistence. Hiroshige’s refined use of color gradation and intricate detailing is prominent, encapsulating the ephemeral beauty and cultural essence of Edo (modern-day Tokyo). The careful craftsmanship in the woodblock print technique can be seen in the precise lines and vibrant colors, hallmarks of the Ukiyo-e art movement.