The artwork titled “24. New Fuji in Meguro,” created in 1857 by the esteemed artist Hiroshige, belongs to the art movement Ukiyo-e and falls under the landscape genre. This piece is part of Hiroshige’s renowned series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork vividly depicts a serene landscape featuring a lush green hill dotted with small figures ascending its path. The foreground is adorned with cherry blossom trees in full bloom, enhancing the scene’s tranquil beauty. A river winds gracefully through the composition, adding to the picturesque quality. In the distance, the iconic silhouette of Mount Fuji stands majestically under a serene sky, providing a striking backdrop to the idyllic foreground. The scene is masterfully rendered with vibrant colors and precise details characteristic of Hiroshige’s work, capturing the essence of both natural beauty and human activity harmoniously.