The artwork titled “25. The Original Fuji in Meguro,” created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in 1857, belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement. This piece is a landscape genre artwork and forms part of the series known as “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork presents a serene and picturesque scene with a harmonious blend of natural and human elements. In the foreground, there is a steep hillside adorned with delicate pine trees and a few human figures engaged in leisure activities like sitting at tables and promenading. The middle ground features a group of blossoming trees, adding a soft burst of color to the verdant landscape. Beyond, a river or lake extends amid a lush forest, and the horizon showcases a breathtaking view of Mount Fuji. The sky transitions from a soft yellow near the horizon to a deepening blue, capturing the tranquil atmosphere associated with the time of day. The composition is meticulously balanced, typical of Hiroshige’s work, and reflects a deep appreciation for the natural beauty found in Edo, now modern-day Tokyo.