The artwork, titled “3. Hibiya and Soto Sakurada from Yamashita Chō,” is a woodblock print created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in the year 1857. This piece is part of the “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” series, a notable collection within the Ukiyo-e art movement. The artwork falls into the landscape genre, vividly capturing a scenic view of Edo (modern-day Tokyo).
In this depiction, we observe a tranquil and picturesque landscape, with the serene waters of a pond or moat in the foreground, dotted with ducks swimming gracefully. The composition is enriched by the presence of evergreen pine trees in the foreground, their green needles providing a stark contrast to the calm blue water. The viewer’s eye is naturally drawn to a woman in a boat on the right side, who appears to be observing her surroundings.
At the center of the artwork, beyond the pond, there is a grand red gate, accentuated by the presence of a white-walled structure, standing as a testament to traditional Japanese architecture. In the background, the foliage and additional structures create a depth, leading to the majestic peak of Mount Fuji visible in the far distance, crowned with snow.
The sky transitions from a warm, serene gradient of orange to a cooler blue, reflecting the time of day, possibly dusk or dawn. The overall composition is punctuated by kites flying overhead, adding movement and a playful element to the otherwise calm and serene scene.