The artwork titled “304,” created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1910, belongs to the Abstract Art movement and is categorized within the abstract genre. This piece of art is notable for its vibrant, dynamic composition that serves as a quintessential example of Kandinsky’s innovative approach to non-representational art, which seeks to evoke emotions and concepts without depicting concrete forms.
In the artwork, an array of bold and vivid colors, including reds, yellows, greens, and blues, are applied in expressive, broad brushstrokes. These strokes intersect and overlap, creating a sense of depth and movement that invites viewers to explore the emotional and spiritual dimensions beneath the surface. The forms within the painting are fluid and indeterminate, embodying Kandinsky’s belief in the intrinsic power of color and form to communicate abstracted themes and sensations. The overall composition lacks any discernible figurative or realist elements, further emphasizing the abstract nature and visionary essence of Kandinsky’s work.