The artwork, titled “33 Little Girls Chasing Butterflies,” was created by Max Ernst in 1958 in Paris, France. It is executed using oil on canvas and represents the Cubism art movement. The genre of this piece is abstract, and it is housed at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.
In the artwork, a myriad of geometric shapes and vibrant colors converge to create a dynamic and visually engaging composition. The scene is characterized by a burst of light and form, with cascading hues of yellow, orange, blue, and green interspersed throughout the canvas. The interplay of light and shapes evokes a sense of movement and energy, capturing an ethereal, dream-like quality that is open to interpretation. The abstraction leaves the viewer pondering the essence of the title, “33 Little Girls Chasing Butterflies,” perhaps alluding to a whimsical and fleeting moment encapsulated in a mosaic of colors and forms.