The artwork titled “35. Suijin Shrine and Massaki on the Sumida River,” created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in 1857, is a distinguished piece from the Ukiyo-e art movement, specifically within the landscape genre. This work is part of the celebrated series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork depicts a serene riverside scene featuring Suijin Shrine and the Massaki area along the Sumida River. A prominent, blossoming cherry tree branch adorned with red and white flowers stretches diagonally across the upper portion of the composition, framing the vivid, tranquil scenery below. The background reveals a distant view of mountains under a gradient blue sky. Below the river’s surface, several boats navigate the peaceful waters, while lush greenery populated with delicately rendered trees occupies the foreground. Figures are seen walking along a winding path, leading towards the architectural elements of the shrine, evoking a sense of calm and pastoral beauty characteristic of Hiroshige’s masterful landscapes.