The artwork, titled “41. Hachiman Shrine in Ichigaya,” was created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in the year 1857. Belonging to the Ukiyo-e art movement and focusing on the landscape genre, this piece is part of the illustrious series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork depicts a serene and picturesque scene featuring Hachiman Shrine situated in Ichigaya. Majestic trees form a verdant backdrop against the sky, where a flock of birds is captured mid-flight. The shrine itself, adorned with traditional Japanese architectural elements, is partially obscured by cherry blossoms in full bloom, adding a touch of pastel pink to the scene. Below, the composition includes a bustling street with people going about their daily lives, depicted in intricate detail. The meticulous arrangement highlights the harmonious blend of natural beauty and human activity, characteristic of the Edo period landscapes. The color palette is rich yet calming, with varied hues bringing depth and a sense of tranquility to the artwork.