The artwork titled “45 (62) Yatsumi Bridge,” created by the artist Hiroshige in 1857, belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and falls under the landscape genre. It is part of the “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” series.
In the artwork, Hiroshige masterfully captures a serene scene of Yatsumi Bridge, framed by the sweeping branches of a willow tree. The tranquil water beneath the bridge reflects the sky’s gradient from blue to warm tones. In the distance, the majestic Mount Fuji stands prominently, bathed in the soft glow of the horizon. Small boats with figures can be seen navigating the calm waters, adding a sense of peaceful activity to the scene. The intricate details and harmonious composition reflect Hiroshige’s keen observation and his ability to depict the tranquil beauty of Edo, making this piece a timeless representation of 19th-century Japan.