The artwork titled “50 cent Piece” was created by Jean-Michel Basquiat in 1983. Utilizing mediums such as acrylic, charcoal, crayon, pastel, and pencil, it exemplifies the Neo-Expressionism and Street Art movements. Measuring 57 x 76.5 cm, it is part of the figurative genre within the “The Daros Suite of Thirty-Two Drawings” series, and is currently housed in the Daros Collection in Zürich, Switzerland.
The artwork presents a vivid tapestry of fragmented imagery and text, characterized by Basquiat’s distinctive amalgamation of frenetic line work and layered meanings. Elements such as schematic drawings, symbols, and snippets of text are intertwined, evoking themes of history, identity, and socio-political commentary. The composition is dense, with words and images scattered across the surface, creating a dynamic and chaotic visual narrative. Prominent faces and figures appear within the conglomeration, interspersed with abstract shapes and cryptic notations, reflecting Basquiat’s raw and improvisational aesthetic. The piece invites examination of both its literal content and the broader cultural references embedded within its sprawling, multidimensional matrix.