“50 Ft Queenie” is a portrait created in 2003 by the artist Dana Schutz and belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement. The artwork is vibrant and expressive, aligning with the characteristic features of Neo-Expressionism, which often includes intense colors, dynamic compositions, and strong emotional content.
In the artwork, a larger-than-life female figure stands prominently against a background of dynamic colors that suggest a coastal or waterfront setting with a sky of mixed pastel shades of blue, yellow, and white. The figure is dressed boldly, with a bright green top which highlights her upper body. Her multicolored arms and the texture of her skin are rendered with vigorous, gestural brushstrokes, suggesting a sense of raw energy and movement. She holds a red guitar in one hand and appears to be gripping a microphone with the other, symbolizing her commanding presence in what could be interpreted as a performance. The vivid colors, combined with the exaggerated proportions of the subject, encapsulate the essence of expressionism, where personal vision and emotional intensity dominate the visual narrative.