The artwork titled “56 (51) Mannen Bridge in Fukagawa” was created by the renowned artist Hiroshige in 1857. This piece belongs to the art movement known as Ukiyo-e and falls within the landscape genre. It is part of the series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
In the artwork, the viewer is presented with a striking landscape scene, capturing the tranquility of Mannen Bridge in Fukagawa. Dominating the foreground is a large suspended turtle, adding a unique and somewhat whimsical element to the scene. Beyond the bridge, a serene river flows, adorned with boats that glide gently on its surface. The background features lush greenery and, further in the distance, the majestic silhouette of Mount Fuji under a pastel sky. The composition beautifully balances detailed natural elements with vibrant colors, characteristic of the Ukiyo-e style.