The artwork titled “60s Fashion,” created by artist Michael Johnson in 1965 in the United Kingdom, presents a striking representation of a woman in the iconic fashion of the 1960s.
In this artwork, a woman is depicted wearing a mod-style dress, characterized by its color block design featuring yellow and white hues. She accessorizes with white gloves and a white helmet-like hat, which adds to the period-specific aesthetic. The background presents a large, radiant orange circle, partially bordered with gold, which could symbolize the sun or a halo, adding an element of abstraction and focus to the piece. The woman holds a red spherical object in her right hand, which stands in contrast to the orange and gold behind her, adding a hint of intrigue. The use of sharp lines and geometric shapes, along with a limited color palette, reflects the minimalist yet bold fashion trends of the 1960s, emphasizing the avant-garde nature of this era’s style.