The artwork titled “98. Fireworks by Ryōgoku Bridge” is a woodblock print created by Hiroshige in 1857. It belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and falls under the genre of cityscape and marina. This piece is part of the series “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.”
The artwork vividly depicts a night scene along the Ryōgoku Bridge, with a spectacular display of fireworks illuminating the evening sky. The bridge stretches across the composition, populated by numerous boats floating gently on the river below. The delicate representation of the fireworks exploding in the sky, combined with the serene water scenes and silhouettes of the boats, illustrates Hiroshige’s masterful technique in capturing both the transient beauty of fireworks and the tranquil, bustling life on the water. The dark night contrasts sharply with the vibrant bursts of light from the fireworks, creating a mesmerizing and dynamic visual experience.