The artwork titled “A Baby Smiling at Two Young Women” is a creation by Mary Cassatt, an artist renowned for her contributions to the Impressionist movement. This oil on canvas genre painting was completed in the year 1873 and measures 60 by 69.85 centimeters. As typical for Cassatt’s work, which often explores themes of social and private life, notably the intimate bonds between mothers and children, this artwork encapsulates a scene of tenderness and familial warmth. Currently, the artwork resides within a private collection, limiting its public visibility.
In the artwork, the observer’s attention is gently guided to a central scene featuring a smiling baby, cradled in the arms of a young woman, who is likely to be the mother or a caretaker. The baby’s engaging expression suggests a moment of joy and interaction between the child and the figures surrounding it. Another young woman, possibly a family member or friend, looks on at the baby with an affectionate gaze. The rendering of the figures is executed with the loose, flowing brushstrokes characteristic of Impressionist technique, suggesting the immediacy and fleeting quality of the moment being depicted. The use of soft, diffused lighting enhances the sense of intimacy and the domestic setting in which this everyday scene unfolds.