The artwork titled “A Boneca,” created by Tarsila do Amaral, is an exemplary piece within the Cubism art movement, classified under the genre of genre painting. This painting exhibits a vivid amalgamation of geometric forms and bold colors, characteristic of Cubism’s fragmented and abstract style.
In the artwork, a doll-like figure seemingly takes the central focus, depicted in a simplified and abstract manner. The figure adorned with a pink dress contrasts against the vibrant, angular background composed of various shapes and hues such as blue, orange, and green. The composition features disjointed and intersecting lines, creating a juxtaposition that enhances the sense of depth and movement. A cylindrical object, possibly a vase, with a blue, elongated form emerges prominently to the right of the figure, while other abstract elements harmonize the balance and rhythm within the frame. The combined effect of these elements contributes to an avant-garde visual narrative, drawing viewers into its surreal and modernist interpretation.