The artwork, titled “A Girl in Yellow Dress,” is an expressionist oil painting on canvas created by Amedeo Modigliani in 1917 in Paris, France. This portrait measures 92 by 60 centimeters and is currently held in a private collection.
In “A Girl in Yellow Dress,” Modigliani employs his signature elongated form to portray a young girl seated with her hands gently clasped. The girl’s yellow dress, adorned with white buttons and a delicate lace collar, stands out against the muted background. Her almond-shaped eyes and solemn expression embody the quintessential characteristics of Modigliani’s distinctive style. The painter’s use of warm, earthy tones sets a contemplative mood, enhancing the subject’s introspective presence. Through stylized simplicity and emotional depth, the painting captures the essence of expressionism, focusing on the psychological inner world rather than realistic depiction.