“A house Magros” is an artwork created by Vincent van Gogh in 1879 while he was residing in Cuesmes, Belgium. This piece, composed using charcoal on paper, belongs to the Realism art movement and measures 23 x 29.4 cm. It is classified within the cityscape genre and is currently housed in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, United States.
The artwork depicts a rustic house characterized by its simple architectural details. The building appears sturdy, with a slightly sloping roof adorned with multiple chimneys. The texture and structure of the house are rendered meticulously, showcasing van Gogh’s skill in capturing the essence of mundane city life. The windows and doorways are well-defined, punctuating the otherwise plain exterior of the house. Set against a minimalist background, the house stands prominently, illustrating the artist’s adeptness in utilizing charcoal to create depth and shadow, thereby instilling a sense of realism in the portrayal. The overall atmosphere of the piece conveys a quiet, almost solemn ambiance, reflecting the modest yet impactful beauty of everyday structures.