“A mountain,” created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1909 during his time in Munich, Germany, is an evocative oil painting on canvas, measuring 109 x 109 cm. This remarkable piece, housed at the Lenbachhaus in Munich, belongs to the Expressionism movement and is classified within the landscape genre.
The artwork captures an abstract interpretation of a mountain, expressed through bold, unconventional use of color and form. Dominating the composition is a towering, pyramid-like structure, rendered in vibrant, overlapping shades of blue, green, and red, set against a background that transitions from warm oranges and yellows to cool blues and greens. At the base of this abstract mountain, two human figures can be discerned, painted in more subdued, yet still vivid, color tones. These figures appear to be engaged in some form of interaction, though the lack of detail leaves their exact activity open to interpretation. The dynamic, sweeping strokes and intense color contrast within the painting embody the emotional intensity and innovative spirit characteristic of the Expressionist movement.