The artwork titled “A mousmé, sitting” was crafted by the renowned artist Vincent van Gogh in the year 1888, located in Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France. This piece springs from the Japonism art movement and is classified under the genre of sketch and study.
In the artwork, a young girl, referred to as a mousmé, is depicted seated with a composed demeanor. The sketch demonstrates van Gogh’s deft use of line work to capture the intricate details of the subject’s attire and posture. The mousmé is portrayed in a striped top, adding depth and texture to the illustration with her hands gently resting on a skirt adorned with a dotted pattern. Her hair is neatly styled, complemented by an adornment that accentuates her poised expression. The simplicity of the background brings focus to the subject, enhancing the viewer’s appreciation of the artist’s intricate detailing and technique. The margins of the artwork contain handwritten text, likely providing contextual or descriptive information, further enriching the piece’s historical and artistic value.