The artwork is titled “A Pine Tree and Cypresses in the Garden of the Asylum,” created by Vincent van Gogh in 1889 during his time in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France. This notable piece, part of the Post-Impressionism movement, is executed in pencil on paper and falls under the genre of sketch and study. Currently, it is held in a private collection.
The artwork depicts an intricately sketched garden scene with flowing and expressive lines characteristic of van Gogh’s style. It features a prominent pine tree and surrounding cypress trees, creating a dynamic composition. The use of pencil allows for delicate details and subtle textures, with attention to the organic forms of the trees and foliage. The scene conveys a sense of movement and emotion, typical of van Gogh’s works from this period, highlighting his deep connection with nature and his environment during his stay at the asylum.