“A Village in Winter,” created by Marc Chagall in 1930, is an artwork executed with gouache on cardboard, forming part of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. This cityscape measures 62 by 50 centimeters.
The artwork portrays a quaint village blanketed in snow, with a whimsical and somewhat dreamlike quality characteristic of Chagall’s style. Dominated by cool blues and whites, the scene features simple, rustic buildings with snow-laden roofs, exuding a serene winter atmosphere. In the foreground, a brick house stands out, with a couple huddling in its doorway beneath a blue awning. Above, a brownish-yellow cow perches unexpectedly and strikingly atop a snowy roof. The sky, rendered in swirls of blue and green, conjures a sense of a silent, ethereal winter’s night.