The artwork titled “A way of flying” was created by the eminent artist Francisco Goya between the years 1816 and 1823. This piece falls under the artistic genre of caricature and is one from the series “Proverbs.” Employing the mediums of aquatint, drypoint, and etching on paper, Goya rendered the piece within the Romanticism movement, a period known for its emphasis on emotion and individualism. The dimensions of this artwork measure approximately 24.7 cm x 35.9 cm. Currently, this artwork belongs to a private collection, highlighting its exclusive status and value as a significant work of art from the 19th century.
In the artwork, Goya presents a scene of unnerving fantasy where figures with the bodies of men are endowed with the expansive wings of bats, engaging in nocturnal flight. The central figure is vividly depicted with open wings, soaring through the dark void, and accompanied by other similarly afflicted beings, some relegated to the background. This scene is rendered with a stark contrast between light and shadow, which heightens the drama and imbues the composition with a menacing atmosphere. The theme of transformation or transcendence, fused with the grotesque, is palpable in this image, reflecting the darker currents of Romanticism and serving as a potent visual metaphor within the capricious realm of proverbs.