The artwork titled “Abraham and the Three Angels,” created around 1770 by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, is an oil painting on canvas. This piece is part of the Rococo art movement and falls under the genre of religious painting. Measuring 197 by 151 centimeters, it is housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain.
The artwork depicts a significant biblical scene where Abraham is visited by three angels. Abraham, dressed in humble attire and positioned on the left, appears reverent and absorbed, his gaze fixated on the divine visitors. The three angels, distinct yet unified in their celestial presence, occupy the right side of the composition. One angel is depicted standing commandingly, while the other two adopt more dynamic postures, one seated and the other bending slightly forward. The contrasting play of light and shadow, along with the fluid, expressive brushwork, exemplifies Tiepolo’s Rococo style. Each figure is rendered with meticulous detail, capturing both the solemnity and grandeur of this divine encounter.