The artwork, titled “Abraham Weeping for Sarah,” was created by Marc Chagall in 1931 while residing in Paris, France. It employs a combination of gouache, oil, and paper as its medium and stands as an exemplar of the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. This religious painting, measuring 62.5 x 49.5 cm, poignantly captures a moment of profound sorrow.
The depicted scene shows a bearded figure, identified as Abraham, standing over a shrouded figure, presumably Sarah. Abraham’s face is partially covered by his hand, a gesture that conveys deep grief and despair. The muted color palette enhances the somber mood of the piece, while the simplicity of form characteristic of Naïve Art allows the emotional intensity of the scene to resonate powerfully with the viewer. The strokes and textures employed in the artwork showcase Chagall’s distinctive style, capturing both the heaviness of the moment and the ethereal quality of his subjects.