The artwork titled “Absurdity funeral” was created by the renowned Spanish artist Francisco Goya between 1816 and 1823. Goya employed etching on paper as his medium to convey this piece, which falls under the caricature genre within the Romanticism art movement. This work is part of a series known as “Disparate.”
Upon examining the artwork, one observes a dark and chaotic scene infused with a sense of mystery and gloom characteristic of Goya’s later works. The etching depicts a group of figures in what seems to be a nocturnal outdoor setting. Central to the composition are characters engaged in an enigmatic ritual around a limp body. The figures are clothed in draped garments that enhance the dramatic effect of the scene, with their expressions ranging from severe to disconcertingly placid. In the background, the deep shadows and hazy, indistinct forms contribute to a haunting atmosphere, where each element seems to be a part of a cryptic narrative that challenges the viewer to decipher its meaning. The darkness is pervasive, indicating a strong emotional charge and an intense commentary on the human condition, reflecting Goya’s critical perspective during this period.