The artwork titled “Acrobat,” created by Pablo Picasso in 1922, is a portrait rendered using watercolor on paper, measuring 16 x 11 cm. Reflecting the Neoclassical movement, this piece resides within a private collection. The genre of the painting is a portrait, and it takes inspiration from the traditional art of the Classical period, characterized by its clarity, order, and adherence to beauty as central principles.
Depicting a solitary male figure, the artwork captures an acrobat in a contemplative pose, his body slightly turned, with one hand resting on his chest. The character’s attire is evocative, with a vibrant green costume accented with ornamental details that convey a sense of dynamism and theatrical flair, typical of circus performers. Darker tones and lines outline the costume’s edges and folds, bringing depth to the figure. In the background, a suggestion of a natural landscape provides a serene juxtaposition to the animated subject. Notable is the careful attention to the physical details of the costume and the poised stance of the acrobat, which infuses the piece with a sense of quiet dignity and introspection, a hallmark of Picasso’s Neoclassicist phase.