The artwork titled “Aeschylus,” created by Nicholas Roerich in 1893, belongs to the Realism art movement and is categorized as a still life. The piece features a detailed and realistic depiction of a marble or stone bust of the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus. Executed with meticulous attention to detail, the bust captures the serene and contemplative expression of its subject. The lighting and shading techniques employed by Roerich highlight the texture and form of the sculpture, rendering it with a lifelike quality that is characteristic of the Realism movement. The background is minimalist, allowing the viewer’s focus to remain on the intricately crafted bust.
Aeschylus (1893) by Nicholas Roerich
Artwork Information
Title | Aeschylus |
Artist | Nicholas Roerich |
Date | 1893 |
Art Movement | Realism |