“Afro Red Web,” created by Chris Ofili between 2002 and 2003, belongs to the Neo-Expressionism art movement and embodies a figurative genre. This piece is part of the “Within Reach” series, completed in 2003.
The artwork features an intricate interplay of red, green, and black tones, forming a complex and enthralling composition. At the center of the piece, abstract forms and patterns converge to suggest figures intertwined in a web. The vibrant red hues dominate the composition, creating a sense of depth and intensity, while the green elements add contrast and balance. The use of line and pattern intricately connects the elements within the artwork, allowing the eyes to traverse through the visual narrative woven by Ofili. The artwork stands on a floor, propped against a wall, emphasizing its tactile presence and inviting the viewer into its layered and rich composition.