The artwork, titled “Aihara Esuke Munefusa,” is a woodblock print created by the renowned artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi circa 1847 – 1848. This piece belongs to the Ukiyo-e art movement and is part of the series “Stories of the True Loyalty of the Faithful Samurai.” Measuring 37.1 x 25.9 cm, the artwork is currently housed in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, and falls within the genres of genre painting and illustration.
The artwork vividly portrays a dynamic scene featuring a samurai in an animated pose, suggesting readiness and determination. The samurai, dressed in traditional attire with patterned clothing, is depicted mid-action, with a sword raised above his head. The background includes several papers scattered and a broken screen, adding to the sense of movement and urgency. The illustrative style and attention to detail are characteristic of Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s mastery in woodblock printing, reflecting both the cultural and historical significance of the subject matter in the Edo period. The text surrounding the figure provides context to the narrative, underscoring the samurai’s loyalty and bravery.