The artwork titled “Angel Annunciate, from exterior of left panel of the Ghent Altarpiece,” is a remarkable oil painting on a panel, created by the esteemed artist Jan van Eyck in the year 1432. This piece is part of the larger work known as “The Ghent Altarpiece,” which is a significant example of the Northern Renaissance art movement. The dimensions of this religious painting are 165 by 72 centimeters, and it resides in the St. Bavo Cathedral in Ghent, Belgium.
The artwork depicts a meticulously detailed angel, whose serene expression and pronounced features are rendered with the exquisite technique characteristic of Jan van Eyck. The angel is adorned with multi-colored wings and draped in flowing, intricately textured robes. The figure holds a lily, symbolizing purity, and gazes outwards with an aura of divine grace. Above the angel, a prophet is seen reading from a scroll, adding to the sacred ambiance of the piece. The use of light, shadow, and rich color enhances the spiritual and aesthetic impact of the artwork, marking it as a masterpiece of Northern Renaissance religious painting.