The artwork titled “Angel Gabriel,” created by Howard Finster in 1986, is a figurative piece belonging to the Art Brut movement. The piece portrays the angel Gabriel in a unique and colorful manner, characteristic of Finster’s distinctive folk art style.
The artwork depicts an elongated figure of an angel, seen in mid-flight, blowing a trumpet. The angel’s wings and garment are adorned with vibrant, multicolored faces and various shapes, creating a mosaic-like pattern. The expressions on the faces are varied and intricate, adding a lively and intricate texture to the scene. The figure’s black hair flows backward, suggesting motion. Additionally, numerous writings and small sketches are interspersed throughout the angel’s robe, indicative of Finster’s often text-rich compositions, aiming to convey spiritual and moral messages. The overall effect is both whimsical and profound, embodying the unorthodox and deeply personal nature of Art Brut.