“Angela’s Rainbow” is a seminal artwork created by Michael Johnson in 1975 in the United Kingdom. The artwork portrays a stylized, perhaps ethereal female figure in various shades of blue, with minimalist, yet poignant, elements. Central to the artwork is the figure, who seems to be enveloped or touched by colorful arcs resembling a rainbow. The background is an abstract blend of dark hues with radiant accents, suggesting a cosmic or otherworldly environment. A notable element is a bright, star-like feature at the top, adding to the surreal and celestial atmosphere. The combination of vivid colors and fluid lines demonstrates a harmonious balance between the abstract and the figurative, effectively evoking a dreamlike and introspective mood.
Angela’s Rainbow (1975; United Kingdom) by Michael Johnson
Artwork Information
Title | Angela's Rainbow |
Artist | Michael Johnson |
Date | 1975; United Kingdom |