The artwork, titled “Annunciation and Adoration of the Magi,” was created by Fra Angelico around the year 1424. This religious painting, rendered in tempera on panel, measures 84 by 50 centimeters. It belongs to the Early Renaissance art movement and is currently housed in the Basilica di San Marco in Florence, Italy.
The artwork is intricately framed with a golden, Gothic architectural structure which enhances its sacred themes. The painting is divided into two primary sections. The upper portion depicts the Annunciation, the moment when the angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary that she will conceive the Son of God. The lower portion portrays the Adoration of the Magi, where the three wise men from the East come to pay homage to the newborn Jesus. Fra Angelico’s use of delicate detailing, vibrant colors, and gold leaf accents lend a divine luminosity to the scene, emphasizing the holiness and reverence of the events depicted. The figures’ serene and pious expressions, along with the rich textures and ornate patterns, are characteristic of the Early Renaissance style, reflecting both the artistic and spiritual ideals of the era.