The artwork titled “Annunciation,” created by Fra Angelico between 1425 and 1428 in Fiesole, Italy, is a tempera and gold leaf painting set on a panel. This piece belongs to the Early Renaissance art movement and falls within the genre of religious painting. Currently, it is housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain.
The artwork depicts a serene and grand portrayal of the biblical scene of the Annunciation. The central figures, the Angel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary, are placed within an architectural setting marked by a series of slender, white columns that support rounded arches adorned with intricate designs. Gabriel, robed in ornate pinkish-red garments with splendidly detailed wings, approaches Mary with a gesture of reverence, while Mary, seated and draped in a rich blue mantle edged with gold, responds with a modest and contemplative posture. The background features a naturalistic garden with lush greenery, symbolizing purity and divinity, while the presence of a golden light beam descending towards Mary signifies the divine intervention. The upper lunette showcases a delicate depiction of God, watching over the scene. Additionally, the lower part of the panel is decorated with several smaller scenes narrating related biblical stories, bringing a comprehensive visual meditation on the profound spiritual event.