The artwork titled “Anselm hatte eine Marienerscheinung, er sah die Madonna in beige blauem Kleid, hier trägt sie nur eine blaue Schürze,” created by Georg Baselitz in 2008, falls under the Neo-Expressionism art movement and is categorized as abstract in genre. The composition is characterized by its abstract nature, which employs a vibrant array of colors and irregular shapes to convey its artistic message.
In the artwork, a kaleidoscope of hues such as yellow, pink, and green mingle, creating a visually dynamic canvas. The central imagery appears to be a chaotic amalgamation of forms that suggest figures, possibly drawing reference to Anselm and the Madonna as mentioned in the title. The depiction of figures is rendered with a loose, gestural application of paint, signifying the expressive and emotive qualities of Neo-Expressionism. The blue apron, as indicated in the title, can be discerned amidst the abstraction, symbolizing the Madonna in an unconventional representation. The overall composition of the artwork emanates an intense emotionality, characteristic of Baselitz’s style and the broader Neo-Expressionist movement.