The artwork titled “Anthropophagy,” created by artist Tarsila do Amaral in 1929, is a significant piece within the Naïve Art (Primitivism) movement. This nude painting (nu) showcases the distinct and vibrant style characteristic of the artist’s works during this period.
The composition of the artwork is marked by its bold use of color and stylized forms. Central to the piece is the depiction of two abstract, nude figures intertwined in an almost surreal landscape. The figures are rendered in vivid orange tones, set against a backdrop of large, simplified green foliage, with a bright yellow sun or fruit shape in the upper right corner. The juxtaposition of the organic shapes and the minimalist background creates a compelling visual narrative that evokes themes of primitivism and anthropophagy, aligning with the intent and explorations of the Naïve Art movement. This evocative and innovative representation highlights Tarsila do Amaral’s contribution to early modernist art in Brazil.