The artwork titled “Arctic Landscape,” created by Roy Lichtenstein in 1964, utilizes magna, oil, and plexiglas as its mediums. Categorized under the Pop Art movement, the piece measures 61 by 76.2 cm and is a notable example within the landscape genre. Presently, it resides in Yale University Art Gallery located in New Haven, Connecticut, United States.
The composition of the artwork showcases a stylized interpretation of an arctic environment. Characterized by Lichtenstein’s signature use of Ben-Day dots, the scene is dominated by a vast expanse of blue, suggesting the sky, and a contrasting white, undulating line representing a cloud or distant snow-covered terrain. The lower portion is defined by abstracted yellow and black contours, which denote simplified forms of the arctic ground. The visual elements are distinct and outlined, adhering to the aesthetic principles of Pop Art with an emphasis on bold colors and graphic simplicity.