The artwork titled “Around Wall Street or portrait of Pablo in NY,” created by Leonora Carrington in 1973, is a part of the Surrealism art movement and falls under the genre painting category. Carrington’s painting encapsulates her unique surrealist vision, replete with symbolic imagery and dreamlike elements that invite viewers into an otherworldly narrative.
In the artwork, a central figure, adorned in a dark coat and hat with a vibrant red scarf, walks through a misty urban landscape alongside several dogs. The scene is filled with fantastical elements—such as anthropomorphic figures and mystical, spectral shapes—with a variety of characters engaged in various activities. The surroundings, including the architectural structures and ethereal backdrops, seem to blur the lines between reality and the imagination. The complex, enigmatic interplay of forms and characters creates a composition that is both haunting and mesmerizing, characteristic of Carrington’s surrealist style.