The artwork titled “Ascension,” created by the artist known collectively as “Orthodox Icons” around the year 1450, belongs to the Late Byzantine period, specifically during the Palaeologan Renaissance (c. 1261–1453). This piece is a part of the iconic genre and falls within the Evangelical cycle series of artworks.
The artwork depicts the scene of the Ascension of Christ, a prominent event in Christian theology. At the center top of the artwork, Christ is represented ascending into heaven, enveloped in a mandorla and flanked by two angels. The scene radiates a divine aura against the golden background, signifying the sacred realm. Below Christ, the Virgin Mary and the apostles are positioned in a semi-circle, gazing upwards with expressions of awe and reverence. The detailed rendering of their garments and halos exemplifies the intricate artistry typical of the Byzantine iconographic tradition. The use of gold leaf and the stylized representation of figures are characteristic of the iconographic techniques employed during this period. The trees and mountainous landscape in the background provide a sense of setting while maintaining the otherworldly and ethereal quality of the sacred event.